Loki's world 01 - Loki's world

Loki's world

He was driven out, punished for his pride. He didn't like that the inhabitants of the planet, which was entrusted to him, were killing themselves and their hearts were ruled by uncertainty. He wanted to rule them. He thought a firmer hand would help them. Tragically, however, he was wrong. He should have understood it much earlier. Midgardans love freedom and cannot be bound. They are by nature much closer to him than to any Asgardian. Now, under the guise of a new identity, knocked down to one of them, he finally saw true. Evil on Earth can only be fought in one way - from within.

"Oh, you're too bloody perfect, Jonathan Pine," said Agent Burr, and Loki resisted the sudden impulse to grin. He's not perfect, he's a god! He still is, though he lost most of his power. "That's your trouble. I don't want you perfect. Go on, have a biscuit. Eat it," she said, handing him a wholemeal something that was more of a biscuit parody, but even though Midgard's culinary art didn't seem too attractive, Loki didn't refuse. It didn't seem decent to refuse, and he wondered what this mortal plans for him. He liked her. She appeared determined and uncompromising.

"You will play the greatest performance in your life." Really? So now he was really curious! "There is half a psychopath lurking in there, Jonathan." Only half, his family would certainly disagree and all the famous Avengers too. "I want you to find him and stick to him." So this is probably the first Midgard woman who wants this! "Once you get down to Devon, you are the second worst man, first place, already taken. There is no right or wrong for you down there. Down there it's all me, me, me. Don't give anyone an inch. Anyone pisses you off, you smack em. Anyone who crosses you, God help them. I want you to scare the shit out of everyone, and that includes me." It has already happened, again it probably wouldn't be a problem. But his father and brother wouldn't be very excited about it.

"Richard Roper must know that you're in the same league as him. Laws don't apply to him and they don't apply to you, either. He sees that, we get him, he comes to the table, we get him over a barrel and we skewer him! Are you comfortable with that?" If it suits?! At Nine, this mortal wants him to do what he knows best: to lie, deceive, and sow the chaos around him to help them win.

Well, Midgard is his. It was always, but in a different way than he thought. What other world would allow him to be who he is and at the same time to be on the right side? No matter how much Thor loves this Earth and humans, this planet has always belonged to him. "Yes."
