

Asi stále většina lidí zná rčení: "Neraď, není ti šedesát a nebyl jsi v Rusku." No, šedesát mi ještě dlouho nebude, ale rozhodla jsem se splnit alespoň tu druhou podmínku a udělala jsem si výlet do Petrohradu. Upřímně to není moc malebné město, přesto pár zajímavých pohledů se pro můj hledáček našlo. Navíc dle mé babičky to tam teď vypadá o mnoho lépe než, když tam naposledy byla ona.

On the street 2

On the street 2 by jajafilm


Untitled by jajafilm

Peterhof Palace 3

Peterhof Palace 3 by jajafilm


Chandelier by jajafilm

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral 3

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral 3 by jajafilm

Sunset and Neva

Sunset and Neva by jajafilm


Helicopter by jajafilm

The Admiralty building

The Admiralty building by jajafilm

Water scooter

Water scooter by jajafilm

On the street

On the street by jajafilm


Bridge by jajafilm

Peterhof Palace 2

Peterhof Palace 2 by jajafilm


Flamingos by jajafilm

Catherine Palace

Catherine Palace by jajafilm

View from window

View from window by jajafilm

An interesting house

An interesting house by jajafilm

Who will win?

Who will win? by jajafilm


Sunset by jajafilm

Peterhof Palace

Peterhof Palace by jajafilm


Vase by jajafilm


Cupola by jajafilm

Peterhof Palace - garden

Peterhof Palace - garden by jajafilm


Ducks by jajafilm

Saint Isaac's Cathedral 4

Saint Isaac's Cathedral 4 by jajafilm

Shoe bags

Shoe bags by jajafilm


Church by jajafilm

Floating on Neva 2

Floating on Neva 2 by jajafilm

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral 2

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral 2 by jajafilm


Aurora by jajafilm

Saint Isaac's Cathedral 3

Saint Isaac's Cathedral 3 by jajafilm

Palace Square

Palace Square by jajafilm

On the boat

On the boat by jajafilm


Harp by jajafilm


Carriage by jajafilm

Peterhof Palace

Peterhof Palace by jajafilm

Sunset over Neva

Sunset over Neva by jajafilm

Saint Isaac's Cathedral 2

Saint Isaac's Cathedral 2 by jajafilm

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral by jajafilm


Toilets by jajafilm

The State Hermitage Museum

The State Hermitage Museum by jajafilm

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

Saint Isaac's Cathedral by jajafilm

Floating on Neva

Floating on Neva by jajafilm

Monument to Peter the Great

Monument to Peter the Great by jajafilm
